The Ten (um, make that Five) Commandments of the Bowling League (reprised)
Los Angelees - by Boston Teabag Party:
Thou shalt not forget/refuse to pay the league entry fee within in a reasonable period of time
We have been relatively flexible as to what constitutes a reasonable period in past seasons. However, even last season there were several owners who did not pay until the season had ended. The season is 6 months long, people! Let's try to give Commish Hutch the money as soon as possible. Punishment includes preventing you from getting any prize money that you may be eligible for, as well as having your wages garnished.
Thou shalt not make a terrible trade that bastardizes the entire league standings
While the LA Times previously rode the Gashouse Gorillas like a pony about this in the past, amazingly he appears to have been broken of the bad habit. Perhaps public chastising will also “correct” the behavior of young Adam Butz. Trading away elite players to the best team in the league brings the ire of all around you. Punishment includes a scathing news story from the Teabags, and hopefully others.
Thou shalt not free ride on the news stories and entertaining posts
We’ve made dramatic improvements in this regard over the years, evolving from the days of the LA Times, when independent contributions were few and far between (Mac, Joe, Marc, and Josh were notable exceptions here). While our list of regular contributors includes those same owners, along with Kelly, the league would benefit from contributions from everyone. Punishment will be a steadily declining number of stories here for your (and my) amusement.
Thou shalt not overly mix business with pleasure
While the LACBL is not solely a league of political scientists, the league certainly has those roots. Given that we spend a disproportionate amount of time nose-deep in the discipline, many of us seek solace in the non-political jocularities of the Bowling League. While this is not an absolute rule, abundant allusions to movies, television, and popular culture are generally more widely enjoyed by the LACBL. References to the Big Lebowski are especially encouraged, as League tradition is as much rooted in the ways of the Dude as they are to the ways of political science.
Follw these simple decrees, and we will all enjoy the 6th installment of the LACBL.
The more things change, the more things stay the same. It seems that some Bowling League behavior is cyclical, so a refresher course in the Five Commandments may be in order. The Commandments appeared in the LA Times several years ago, and appear to be a ‘living document’ that still applies to modern LACBL times.Thou shalt not become a deadbeat owner
Thou shalt not forget/refuse to pay the league entry fee within in a reasonable period of time
We have been relatively flexible as to what constitutes a reasonable period in past seasons. However, even last season there were several owners who did not pay until the season had ended. The season is 6 months long, people! Let's try to give Commish Hutch the money as soon as possible. Punishment includes preventing you from getting any prize money that you may be eligible for, as well as having your wages garnished.
Thou shalt not make a terrible trade that bastardizes the entire league standings
While the LA Times previously rode the Gashouse Gorillas like a pony about this in the past, amazingly he appears to have been broken of the bad habit. Perhaps public chastising will also “correct” the behavior of young Adam Butz. Trading away elite players to the best team in the league brings the ire of all around you. Punishment includes a scathing news story from the Teabags, and hopefully others.
Thou shalt not free ride on the news stories and entertaining posts
We’ve made dramatic improvements in this regard over the years, evolving from the days of the LA Times, when independent contributions were few and far between (Mac, Joe, Marc, and Josh were notable exceptions here). While our list of regular contributors includes those same owners, along with Kelly, the league would benefit from contributions from everyone. Punishment will be a steadily declining number of stories here for your (and my) amusement.
Thou shalt not overly mix business with pleasure
While the LACBL is not solely a league of political scientists, the league certainly has those roots. Given that we spend a disproportionate amount of time nose-deep in the discipline, many of us seek solace in the non-political jocularities of the Bowling League. While this is not an absolute rule, abundant allusions to movies, television, and popular culture are generally more widely enjoyed by the LACBL. References to the Big Lebowski are especially encouraged, as League tradition is as much rooted in the ways of the Dude as they are to the ways of political science.
Follw these simple decrees, and we will all enjoy the 6th installment of the LACBL.
#6- no one wants an invitation to your pity party, no matter how zesty you might think it is...
why must you make fun of me? i'm going to have some margaritas with some senoritas...i don't even care how my team does anymore....i'm going to drop all of my players to waivers.....
Please stop making fun of me.
Jeff, you forgot a commandment. Thou shall not draft ugly players. Only hot guys will do, like this guy:
- Mandi
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